012 749 2301

New Year Message from Executive Chairperson

Gideon Mahlangu

Spirit of patience is very important for us as human beings. Most of the battles of life are won by looking beyond the clouds of the sun and having the patience to wait for the day when the sun comes out and the clouds float away.

Yesterday is dead, tomorrow or future is unborn, so there is nothing to fear and to mourn. All the past and all that has been and what lies ahead, or the things that will be, are still in your mind, hands and of the Universe/God the great unknown.

Naturally as human beings it is easy to grow downhearted when nothing goes our way or positive. It is easy to be discouraged when you have a troublesome day. However, what we should remember at all times as human beings is that trouble is only a challenge, which is an inevitable part of life.

What we all have is to live for today, with the trust, believe and confidence that tomorrow will be born the following day when the sun rises. Tomorrow you are born differently daily.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Review the past, concentrate on the current and focus on the future, success is yours.

Kwetso Foundation Board would like to wish everyone, management, staff, volunteers, partners and beneficiaries of our programmes a blessed and successful year 2025.

Gideon Mahlangu

Gideon is the Founder of Kwetso Foundation. He established Kwetso Foundation out of the love for Community, Women, and Youth Upliftment.

Message from Executive Chairperson

Gideon Mahlangu

Kwetso means the end or ending (Setswana). We are Kwetso Foundation (KF), founded and established with the fundamental primary role to ensure that we execute our business responsibilities with utmost sense of integrity, accountability and reliability. We are committed to make sure that at all times indeed we are and continue to be the true reflection of the meaning of our name.

Our existence is driven by the passion and believes that every human being not out of personal choice, but naturally carries the responsibility to solve and end certain challenges that confront other human beings. It is in that context we primarily exist in order to contribute positively in ending the social and economic challenges that continues to confront local communities in the rural and underdeveloped areas and townships in our country South Africa.

The social and economic struggle confronting government will never be addressed without concerted efforts. Our realisation is that our failure to exist and form part of the concerted efforts in the socioeconomic struggle is equal to contributing in increasing socioeconomic challenges.

As Kwetso Foundation (KF), we exist to contribute to end poverty bondages, social and economic deprivation and human injustices through establishment of long, mutual and beneficial community, public, private, partnerships.

We are people centred, driven and motivated organization. We are an organization that strongly believe that we must at all times be the development and change we wish and seek to see taking place.

"Man has always posed questions on his experience. The underlying motive being to gain a greater of the reality in which we live"

"Plato in [490 B] said"
"Our true lover of knowledge naturally strives for reality, and will not rest content with each set of a particular which opinion takes from reality, but soars with undimmed and unwearied passion till he grasps the nature of each thing as it is...."

Collectivism is a powerful tool that continues to motivate us at all times to realize the importance of joining forces and establishing solid partnership with public and private sectors in striving to address social and economic challenges facing the youth and the general society.

Kwetso Foundation is always committed to deliver its Programmes and Initiatives focusing mainly on targets, indicators and building fruitful and long-lasting partnership. This is because we view all partners as strategic role players in striving to address socio-economic trajectories and contribute in the development and empowerment agenda of our country. There are of no doubts and reservations that the objectives and agenda of our different Programmes and Initiatives is to form part of correcting and building better youth and society that is skilful, informed and turn them to become an economically active society that is responsible and committed in the nation building and developmental agenda of our country.

Every human being has the role to play to better the life of another human being in different ways and fronts in various sectors.

Gideon Mahlangu

Gideon is the Founder of Kwetso Foundation. He established Kwetso Foundation out of the love for Community, Women, and Youth Upliftment.

Kwetso Foundation

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012 749 2301


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